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03 Aug, 2009

Trade Association Forum awards

03 Aug, 2009

Peter Cullimore scooped a lifetime achievement award on Wednesday night at the Trade Association Forum awards. Anita Holbrow, Director of Marketing and Member Services said: “I would like to congratulate Peter on behalf of the REC on receiving this award. Peter Cullimore has been at the forefront of this...

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06 Feb, 2009

Pfizer CEO: Wyeth merger will bring what’s needed

06 Feb, 2009

Eager to dispel doubts about the difficulties of executing Pfizer Inc.’s $68 billion tie-up with Wyeth, Pfizer’s CEO said it will be done more like microsurgery than just stitching two huge corporations together. Jeffrey Kindler has spent two years transforming Pfizer into smaller, entrepreneurial research and marketing business units,...

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04 Feb, 2009

Obama wants to avoid ‘trade war’

04 Feb, 2009

US President Barack Obama has said he wants to avoid economic stimulus measures that would signal protectionism or spark a trade war. Mr Obama was responding to international criticism of a “Buy American” clause in the $800bn (£567bn) US economic recovery package. The clause seeks to ensure that only...

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28 Jan, 2009

Symantec CEO is top commerce candidate

28 Jan, 2009

John Thompson, outgoing chief executive of security company Symantec, is being considered for the post of secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce, according to a news wire report on Tuesday. “He (Thompson) is the leading candidate,” Reuters quoted an unidentified senior Democratic source as saying. “He is still...

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28 Jan, 2009

Germany Rescue Package to Lift Economy

28 Jan, 2009

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government agreed to implement a second economic stimulus package on Tuesday, Jan. 27. The program calls 50 billion euros ($66 billion) worth of investments, aid to businesses and tax breaks. The stimulus program, agreed to by Merkel’s Christian conservatives and Social Democratic Party earlier this month,...

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