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10 Dec, 2008

UK economic slowdown

10 Dec, 2008

The UK economy contracted 1% between September and November, the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) has estimated. This fall followed after a 0.8% drop in the three months to the end of October, said the think tank. Indicating that the rate of output decline is “accelerating”,...

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03 Dec, 2008

Telnics .Tel web’s phone book

03 Dec, 2008

Telnics Sunrise launch opens at 15:00 GMT Called .tel, the domain is intended to act as a universal contact point rather than as a hook on which to hang websites. Owners of .tel domains will be encouraged to populate it with details about how they can be contacted. The...

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26 Nov, 2008

VAT rate cut could prove an IT challenge

26 Nov, 2008

Although changing the VAT rate from 17.5% to 15% within business systems is relatively easy, it has widespread implications inside the organization, across the supply chain, and for the customers. We all hope that the plans mapped out in the Chancellor of the Exchequers pre-budget report earlier this week...

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13 Nov, 2008

German economy now in recession

13 Nov, 2008

Germany has entered a recession after government figures showed that Europe’s largest economy contracted by 0.5% in the third quarter. This is the second consecutive quarter that the economy has shrunk after a 0.4% contraction in the second quarter. The fall in economic output, largely driven by falls in...

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07 Nov, 2008

Paying more for the right people

07 Nov, 2008

UKs recruitment industry Turnover in the UKs recruitment industry hit a record high of more than £27 billion between April 2007 and March 2008, according to the latest annual industry report launched today (Friday, November 7). The most significant growth was achieved through a sharp increase in the turnover...

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