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uk headhunters deutschland headhunters netherlands headhunters

10 Nov, 2014

Placements and salaries continue to rise

10 Nov, 2014

The Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) and KPMG Report on Jobs – published today – provides the most comprehensive guide to the UK labour market, drawing on original survey data provided by recruitment consultancies. Permanent appointments growth still strong in October, despite easing Pay growth moderates Staff availability continues...

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18 Sep, 2014

Independent professional

18 Sep, 2014

IPSE, the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self Employed, has welcomed a new report calling for freelancing to be put at the heart of public policy. The Freelancing Agenda launched today by the Labour Finance and Industry Group calls for a range of recommendations to make it easier...

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04 Sep, 2014

Jobseeker confidence

04 Sep, 2014

A strong UK labour market and low unemployment is tipping the balance of power back to candidates, with over a third (38 per cent) confident they will get a job within the next two months, according to comprehensive new research by  This is a five per cent jump...

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11 Aug, 2014

UK firms intend to hire staff

11 Aug, 2014

Accountancy firm BDO said its jobs index for July, which measures hiring plans over the next three months, was at its highest level since 1998. A “significant uptick” in hiring plans by services firm in particular was driving the increase, BDO said. An increase in the rate of job...

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23 Jul, 2014

The difference between Recruitment and Headhunting

23 Jul, 2014

On the surface both of these businesses appear to offer the same service – helping companies to hire people. However in truth the routes to finding clients a solution are extremely different as they each have distinctive business models with little in common. Recruitment agencies match employers to employees...

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