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28 May, 2013

REC announces partnership with Social Talent

28 May, 2013

The REC has today announced a new business partnership with social media specialists Social Talent to provide internet recruitment training to REC members. Social Talent are Europe’s leading provider of social media training specific to the recruitment and staffing industry. To date they have trained over 4,000 recruiters from both...

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24 May, 2013

Youth Employment Charter

24 May, 2013

Not a week goes by without a story about youth employment and young people struggling to access to the jobs market hitting the headlines. This is a catastrophic state of affairs for our economy.  As REC’s Youth Employment Taskforce found, recruiters have a key role to play and can...

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24 May, 2013

Vodafone UK

24 May, 2013

Vodafone UK, one of the largest employers in West Berkshire and one of the biggest employers in the telecoms sector, today announces that it is to recruit 400 graduates over the next five years. Due to the popularity of Vodafone’s graduate programme, the scheme has now been extended from...

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23 May, 2013

Employers planning to take on more staff

23 May, 2013

The latest JobsOutlook from the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) reports a rise in the number of employers saying they plan to take on more staff. The monthly tracking survey shows this month’s largest increase is among bosses saying they intend to take on more permanent workers within the...

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21 May, 2013

Job satisfaction

21 May, 2013

As the 2012 Skills and Employment Survey, published today by the Government, reveals that Britain’s employees are feeling more insecure and under pressure at work than at any time the past 20 years, the CIPD is urging businesses to consider how they can improve job satisfaction and employee engagement....

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