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28 Sep, 2012

Freelancers driving job growth

28 Sep, 2012

A recent survey from Elance announced results from its annual global survey of more than 3,000 independent professionals, revealing that freelancers are thriving online. Over half (57% globally and 60% in the UK) reported an increase in 2012 income, claiming a 47% average increase in earnings, and two-thirds (67%)...

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27 Sep, 2012

UK economy

27 Sep, 2012

The UK economy contracted by less than thought in the second quarter, official figures have shown.   The economy shrank by 0.4% in the April-to-June period, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said in its third estimate of gross domestic product (GDP). The ONS had initially estimated a contraction of...

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26 Sep, 2012

Small businesses are the key to recovery

26 Sep, 2012

In a vote of confidence for the UK¹s small business sector, 62% of people in a nationwide survey said they trust small businesses rather than large firms to help get the economy going. 73% say economy would get bigger boost by making bank funds available to small businesses ….and small...

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26 Sep, 2012

Mobile-Enabled Careers Section

26 Sep, 2012

A review of the FTSE 100 company websites revealed that that 94% of companies failed to offer a mobile-enabled careers section to help candidates easily navigate and search for jobs. “Companies that fail to offer a mobile-enabled careers section are in danger of losing out on top talent through...

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26 Sep, 2012

London Legacy Development Corporation

26 Sep, 2012

Two-thirds of those working in the built environment sector think the Olympics are unlikely to deliver long-term employment growth, despite the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) announcing its plans to kick-start the regeneration of Stratford and the Olympic Park now that the Games have come to an end. The...

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