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14 Sep, 2012

Tax cuts could help startup businesses

14 Sep, 2012

Former conservative minister Liam Fox said in an interview in today’s Times newspaper that he favoured cutting capital gains tax to boost the UK economy. Fox is quoted as wanting the government to suspend capital gains tax for three years, and thereafter to re-introduce it at a lower rate....

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13 Sep, 2012

Job numbers skip the double dip

13 Sep, 2012

The UK’s Employment Outlook now stands at its strongest level since 2008, according to ManpowerGroup, the world leader in innovative workforce solutions. With an Outlook of +3%, employers across the UK are looking to take on staff in the final months of 2012 despite the gloomy macro-economic picture. National...

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13 Sep, 2012

UK labour market

13 Sep, 2012

Employment is up by 263,000 in the quarter to July 2012,  with over half of this growth among part-timers The headline unemployment figure is down slightly by 7,000 on the quarter to July 2012. The more recent figure for those claiming Jobseekers’ Allowance also fell slightly by 15,000 during...

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12 Sep, 2012

UK human resource executives

12 Sep, 2012

More than one in four (28%) HR directors admit that they have no formal process in place to deal with stress and anxiety for employees, according to a survey by OfficeTeam. The study surveyed 200 HR directors across the UK, with the results segmented by size, sector and geographic...

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12 Sep, 2012

Internship Employers

12 Sep, 2012

The UK’s top placement and internship employers have been announced based on over 2,500 student-written reviews which document real-life experiences across many of the nation’s most prestigious firms. The third annual ‘Top 50 Placement & Internship Employers’ league table compiled by  student-generated review website shows professional services firms...

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