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uk headhunters deutschland headhunters netherlands headhunters

30 Aug, 2012

Workplace adjustments

30 Aug, 2012

Nearly three quarters of people off work due to illness required adjustments in the workplace to help their return, an analysis of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Fit for Work Service pilots by Legal & General has shown. Half of those who returned to work with support...

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29 Aug, 2012

REC Info

29 Aug, 2012

The Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) has appointed Anthony Pierce, National Head of Marketing for Hudson, based in Birmingham¹s Victoria Square, as a new Regional Director for the West Midlands. The role will involve driving industry campaigns in the region and building links with local MPs and media as well...

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29 Aug, 2012

Women in interim management

29 Aug, 2012

New research from Interim Women, a business network for women in interim management, set up by Russam GMS revealed a quarter of female interims don’t have a private pension and 60% aren’t considering getting one in the next year. Interestingly, most of the women questioned were over 40 (89%...

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29 Aug, 2012

UK CFOs Struggle to Retain Key Staff

29 Aug, 2012

Despite market uncertainty, retaining staff remains a key concern for CFOs and finance directors, according to new research by recruitment specialist, Robert Half. In a survey of 200 CFOs and finance directors (FDs) across the UK, two thirds (66%) said they were very or somewhat concerned about losing top...

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28 Aug, 2012

Employer regulation workshops

28 Aug, 2012

The Government appears to have drawn back from implementing the Beecroft proposal for “compensated no-fault dismissals”, but there are still substantial changes to employment regulation on the horizon. The Autumn Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)’s Law on Tour, a series of highly informative, practical workshops exploring new...

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