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28 May, 2012

Latest EU legislation

28 May, 2012

The latest EU legislation comes into force on 26th May 2012, and has potential consequences for every job board and recruitment website. The crux of the new law is that every website targeting users in any EU country must EXPLICITLY provide an OPT-IN to accept cookies being written to...

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24 May, 2012

Public opinion of recruitment

24 May, 2012

A survey by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) has found that recruiters have a professional image in the eyes of the majority of the British public, and that people’s good opinion of recruitment consultants increases further when they turn to them for help with their own search for...

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22 May, 2012

REC compliance

22 May, 2012

The Recruitment and Employment Confederation is planning to introduce a new compliance test as part of its membership process.  Under the proposed scheme, from 1st July 2012 all recruitment agencies wishing to obtain REC membership would have to successfully demonstrate their compliance with relevant industry regulations as well as...

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18 May, 2012

Retaining skilled talent in a competitive environment

18 May, 2012

Three quarters of organisations reported experiencing recruitment challenges in 2011, despite widespread unemployment across the UK. Employers are being inundated with unsuitable candidates, struggling to fill vacancies, and talented individuals are staying put, leading to huge skills gaps and a war for talent. This year’s Chartered Institute of Personnel...

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18 May, 2012

Redundancy Survey

18 May, 2012

More than two-fifths of employees have been made redundant or suffered long-term ill health during their working life, new research. The nationwide study shows 20% have been made redundant at some point in their working life while 21% have been off work for more than four weeks highlighting the...

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