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uk headhunters deutschland headhunters netherlands headhunters

11 Oct, 2011

Casualties of the Government’s Work Programme

11 Oct, 2011

New research  has revealed that over half (57%) of individuals made redundant as a result of the Government transition to the new look Work Programme, have been put off ever working in the sector again. The Government’s Work Programme, which aims to get the long term unemployed back into...

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11 Oct, 2011

Researching potential employers

11 Oct, 2011

How do you produce a student resource that encourages excellence in researching potential graduate employer without spoon-feeding those students?  You hire a team of crack researchers and editors and brief them to produce an informational one-stop-shop for job candidates. You also secure the involvement of recruiters and give useful,...

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11 Oct, 2011

Strong processes and supported staff

11 Oct, 2011

Strong processes and well-trained staff are fundamental for recruitment firms to maximise return on their technology investment according to some of the leading players in the staffing software field. The view was put forward at an APSCo (Association of Professional Staffing Companies) Technology Leaders round table event in the...

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29 Sep, 2011

UK businesses challenged to invest

29 Sep, 2011

Equipping staff with the skills and knowledge to meet the demands of global markets has taken on an unprecedented importance for UK companies as they seek to export their way out of recession. The Institute of Export (IOE) is urging British businesses to match the level of commitment to...

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29 Sep, 2011

National careers service

29 Sep, 2011

New Government Plans Won’t Improve Current Statistics of those who have Received No Career Advice With the governments plans to create an ‘all ages’ National Careers Service, in conjunction with the new law that schools will have a legal duty to secure independent careers guidance for their students, it...

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